Community Calls
The Auto-ISAC holds monthly virtual community meetings for members and connected vehicle ecosystem stakeholders to stay informed of Auto-ISAC activities and share information on key vehicle cybersecurity topics.
Contact us to participate in our monthly community calls. The community calls are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 11am EST.
November 2021 Community Call: Autonomous Ground Vehicle Security: Transportation Systems Sector
November 3rd, 2021 11:00am
Ms. Katherine McClaskey, DHS Program Lead, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Autonomous Ground Vehicle Security: Transportation Systems Sector
In 2020, CISA conducted an internal study and developed a report on autonomous vehicles. This report covers the historical trajectory and trends of autonomous surface vehicle systems, examines the shape of near-term adoption, identifies a threat model to understand and mitigate potential vehicle attacks caused by these systems, and presents ideas for efforts to mitigate these threats. In reviewing the report, CISA determined that the early adopters of autonomous ground vehicles in the Transportation Systems Sector (e.g., mass transit, trucking, and last mile delivery services) may benefit from guidance on potential threats and risk mitigation options. As such, CISA developed the Autonomous Ground Vehicle Security Guide: Transportation Systems Sector.
CISA developed the Autonomous Ground Vehicle Security Guide: Transportation Systems Sector based on the internal autonomous vehicles report, open-source research, and coordination with the Transportation Security Administration’s Surface Policy Division and the Department of Transportation’s Office of Intelligence, Security, and Emergency Response. Specifically, CISA developed the product to help Chief Security Officers (CSOs) and Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) within the sector to understand the risks associated with autonomous ground vehicles and implement strategies that can greatly reduce risk to people and property.
October 2021 Community Call: The National Insurance Crime Bureau: An Overview and Discussion About the State of Vehicle Theft
October 6th, 2021 11:00am
Mr. Darrell Russell Director of Operations-Vehicles, National Insurance Crime Bureau (NCIB)
The National Insurance Crime Bureau: An Overview and Discussion About the State of Vehicle Theft
The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) is the nation’s premier not-for-profit organization dedicated exclusively to fighting insurance fraud and crime. NICB is supported by more than 1,200 property and casualty insurance companies, rental car companies, self-insured organizations, and strategic partners. The mission of NICB is to be an intelligence-driven and operationally focused organization that leads a united effort of insurers, law enforcement agencies, and representatives of the public to proactively identify, combat, and prevent insurance crime. NICB partners with a variety of strategic partners (including automotive manufacturers) to fight these crimes and in recent years has become keenly aware of security issues associated to automotive electronic control units and the exploitation of these systems.
September 2021 Community Call: Introduction to the Global Cyber Alliance
September 1st, 2021 11:00am
Ms. Kayle Giroud, Partnership Associate Director, GCA; Ms. Gill Thomas, Director of Engagement, Capacity & Resilience Program, GCA
Introduction to the Global Cyber Alliance
Since 2015, GCA has pursued the mission to secure the Internet, and provide tools that are accessible to any Internet users and empower them to take action to be more secure. We achieve this mission through two major programs : the Internet Integrity and the Capacity & Resilience programs. The Internet Integrity program aims at building a secure and trustworthy Internet. During this presentation, Alejandro Fernández-Cernuda, Director of Engagement, Internet Integrity, will detail our vision of a secure Internet and present AIDE, our solution to secure IoT devices even in consumers and small office environments. The Capacity & Resilience program aims at democratizing cybersecurity by providing free and easy-to-use solutions to particularly vulnerable Internet users. One of our major work is to help secure SMEs through a free, effective, and user-friendly Toolkit for Small Business. Gill Thomas, Director of Engagement, Capacity & Resilience, will present the Toolkit and our deployment efforts to secure SMEs around the world.
August 2021 Community Call: An Overview of International Standards Related to Cybersecurity
August 4th, 2021 11:00am
Suzanne Lightman, Sr. Advisor Information Security, NIST
An Overview of International Standards Related to Cybersecurity
The international standards landscape in the vehicle industry has become extremely active, especially in the area of cybersecurity. This presentation will discuss activities in SAE, ISO and UNECE that address road vehicles specifically. The presentation will also cover related work in ISA/IEC on industrial internet of things, as well as touching on NIST work under Executive Order 14028.
July 2021 Community Call: Hacker-Powered Data: The Most Common Security Weaknesses and How to Avoid Them
July 7th, 2021 11:00am
Ben Willis, Principal Security Engineer, HackerOne
Hacker-Powered Data: The Most Common Security Weaknesses and How to Avoid Them
Vulnerabilities are a fact of life. Today, technology companies, financial institutions and even governments are embracing collaborating with hackers to find vulnerabilities before cyber criminals have a chance to exploit the same bugs for nefarious purposes. In this session, HackerOne will examine the world of hackers, with specific attention to those who hack financial services organizations, and share real-world insights into how to improve relationships with them. Attendees will discover common weaknesses that they won’t find on the OWASP top ten, how attackers could exploit these prevalent vulnerabilities, and the reason for some rising and falling in popularity. Whether you run an active bug bounty program or if your security email address is routed to /dev/null, this session will help attendees shed blind dogma and walk away armed with an analytical approach towards building an effective vulnerability disclosure program that turns security teams into enablement teams.
June 2021 Community Call: SAE EV Charging PKI Project
June 2nd, 2021 11:00am
Tim Weisenberger, Project Manager, Emerging Technologies at SAE International
SAE EV Charging PKI Project
SAE has gathered industry to design and test an inclusive, worldwide EV charging industry PKI platform that is secure, trusted, scalable, interoperable, and extensible. The project is joint venture of industry companies in the SAE Cooperative Research Program. It is an industry-led, pre-competitive research project that will strengthen electric vehicle charging system security. Tim will give a detailed briefing on the mission, approach, and current status of this important development effort.
May 2021 Community Call: On the Front Line: Managing 21st Century Cybersecurity Risks
May 5th, 2021 11:00am
Norma Krayem, Vice President & Chair, Cybersecurity, Privacy and Digital Innovation, Van Scoyoc Associates
On the Front Line: Managing 21st Century Cybersecurity Risks
Whether connected vehicles, traditional intelligent transportation systems (ITS) or autonomous vehicles, tech innovation brings systemic cyber and privacy risks. The U.S., EU and nations around the world are instituting cyber mandates, “standards of care” for those who build, run or operate systems along with new IoT and IIoT mandates being instituted. Cybersecurity has become the top safety risks to the sector as well. The discussion will focus on the nexus of these risks, how the sector should work to address the risks and what the new Biden-Harris Administration and the Cyberspace Solarium Commission may be planning.
April 2021 Community Call: Auto-ISAC and the Dealer Threat Landscape
April 7th, 2021 11:00am
Dan Hoban, Exec. VP, Nuspire Josh Smith, Cyber Threat Analyst, Nuspire
Auto-ISAC and the Dealer Threat Landscape
Dealer security is a key component of the security of the automotive sector and will continue to increase in importance. As the automotive industry becomes increasingly digital, the relationship between the dealership, the vehicle, the OEM, and the customer will become more intertwined and “always-on”. During Nuspire’s ISAC Community Call we will dive into the dealer threat landscape. We’ll discuss how it impacts the automotive ecosystem (OEM, Dealer, Vehicle, suppliers, and customers). Nuspire will provide specific threats, attacks, statistics, and recommendations for improvement.
March 2021 Community Call: Addressing Accelerating Supply Chain Risks
March 3rd, 2021 11:00am
John Sheehy, SVP, Research and Strategy, IOActive, Inc.
Addressing Accelerating Supply Chain Risks
Understand some of the cybersecurity, integrity, and disruption risks increasingly facing supply chains today. Likewise, hear a sound strategy for addressing these risks with currently available tools and where gaps exist in programmatically addressing supply-chain risks. This talk will explore some of the potential cybersecurity and integrity risks associated with the 2020-2021 automotive microchip shortage.
February 2021 Community Call: Crossroads Of Motor Vehicle Data: Digital Forensics And Cyber Threats
February 3rd, 2021 11:00am
Christopher Church, Senior Mobile Forensic Specialist, INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation Kamel Ghali, Automotive Security Architect, White Motion (Marelli)
Crossroads Of Motor Vehicle Data: Digital Forensics And Cyber Threats
As the car becomes more connected and aware of its environment law enforcement also needs to understand the challenges and issues this will give them. Law Enforcement has started to see a vehicle as an accessory in certain crimes and understand what data a car holds and how they can access it. The evidence gained from a motor vehicle has helped law enforcement understand the back story to a crime. A vehicle’s data has helped trace missing persons, solve murders, and shut down criminal gangs transporting drugs and smuggling weapons and keeping vulnerable citizens safe from harm. As law enforcement start to become aware of the possibilities, so do their responsibility. This presentation will explore the relationship between law enforcement and industry and the crossover of digital forensics too cyber and the associated intertwined landscapes. The presentation will be partly presented by INTERPOL and White motion who have seen a growing interest from the community in this area.
January 2021 Community Call: Cybersecurity Information Sharing Success Stories
January 6th, 2021 11:00am
David Turetsky, Professor; Brian Nussbaum, Assistant Professor; Unal Tatar, Assistant Professor, Practice at the College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity at the University at Albany (SUNY).
Cybersecurity Information Sharing Success Stories
Given that the theory of cybersecurity information sharing is well-established, the successes ought to be visible in practice. Funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, we collected real-world information sharing success stories across different economic sectors through a conference and interviews with ISACs, ISAOs and some of their members. Our prior experience suggested that for some in industry, particularly senior executives who are not cybersecurity experts, the benefits of joining a cybersecurity information sharing organization and being a full participant can seem less clear, or at least less concrete and well-documented, than the costs and potential risks of doing so. Our project was intended in part to address this gap by compiling a set of success stories across different areas of activity to help support those trying to explain and document the advantages of information sharing to colleagues and decision makers. We published a Lawfare article about this work, together with a longer research paper.
Cybersecurity Information Sharing Success Stories – Lawfare (lawfareblog.com)
2019_08_01_Turetsky_Stories For Sharing-Transportation Industry
December 2020 Community Call
December 2nd, 2020 11:00am
Dr. Larry Ponemon: Chairman and Founder of the Ponemon Institute, Rocco Grillo: Managing Director at Alvarez & Marsal, Charlie Miller: Senior advisor at The Santa Fe Group
Shared Assessment / Ponemon report “A New Roadmap for Third Party IoT Risk Management – the Critical Need to Elevate Awareness, Authority and Engagement.”
This presentation covered highlights of the Shared Assessment / Ponemon report “A New Roadmap for Third Party IoT Risk Management – the Critical Need to Elevate Awareness, Authority and Engagement.” Current IoT risk management programs are not keeping pace with the dramatic increase in IoT-related risks – a shortcoming that represents a clear and expanding threat to most organizations. To help practitioners focus resources, we examined the practices of high performers to identify gaps in IoT Third Party Risk Management.
November 2020 Community Call
November 4th, 2020 11:00am
Kiersten Todt, Cyber Readiness Institute (CRI), Managing Director
Helping Your Business Become Cyber Ready
Kiersten Todt, Managing Director at Cyber Readiness Institute (CRI) discussed about practical and easy-to-use methods to help small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) improve their cybersecurity by focusing on human behavior. The session highlighted the importance of creating a culture of cyber readiness in SMBs to improve the security of supply chains in the automotive industry, worldwide.
October 2020 Community Call
October 7th, 2020 11:00am
Dr. Amine TALEB, Valeo; Director - Innovation & Marketing and Monica Nogueira, Director of Content Acquisition/Multimedia, SAE International
User Experience and Acceptance of Automated Vehicles
“User acceptance of automated vehicles! This presentation examines the enablers for attaining a higher consumer trust as well as a safe and intuitive user experience at various automation levels. The talk is based on the work published as SAE EDGE Research Report ( EPR 2020012).”
September 2020 Community Call
September 2nd, 2020 11:00am
Urban Jonson, NMFTA, Chief Technology Officer
Are large fleets susceptible to advanced attacks?
How much effort do you think someone would go through to obtain the ability to affect motor transportation at scale? An overview of the Triton malware intrusion and the search for parallels in vehicle safety systems as well as a review of Remote Vehicle Shutdown (RVS), Remote Vehicle Disablement (RVD) and ATA/TMC RP 1218.
August 2020 Community Call
August 5th, 2020 11:00am
Gary Berman, Creator of "The CyberHero Adventures"
"Humanizing Cybercrime: From Victim to Advocate"
Gary Berman will share his incredible story about how a small group of trusted insiders essentially “cloned” his company right under his nose for an extended period. A total of 19 attack vectors including spoofed website, re-directed telephone calls, sim-swapping, social engineering by pretending to be “whistle blowers” and falsely telling his major clients that he was under investigation by the FBI for fraud and even having 36 people connected to his On-Star account. His story get incredibly uplifting as he shares his “Forrest Gump” journey into the cyber security Community. You will be riveted by a sampling of the evidence, filled with laughter and ultimately, PUMPED up about YOUR mission!
July 2020 Community Call
July 1st, 2020 11:00am
Tim Mackey, Principal Security Strategist
2020 Open Source Security and Risk Analysis Report
The presentation is on the 2020 Open Source Security and Risk Analysis Report (OSSRA) by Mr. Tim Mackey, Principal Security Strategist, Synopsys Cybersecurity Research Center. The overview of the report outlines several learnings from the governance decision of others.
June 2020 Community Call
June 3rd, 2020 11:00am
Randy Sandone, Executive Director of CIRI
Process, People, and Products - Building Cyber Resilience for the Long-Term
Mr. Randy Sandone is the Executive Director of the Critical Infrastructure Resilience Institute (CIRI). This is a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) University Center of Excellence housed at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Mr. Sandone presented on how we attain a secure and resilient critical infrastructure by shifting to a more holistic approach to people, product and process.
May 2020 Community Call
May 6th, 2020 11:00am
Dr. Allan Friedman - Director of Cybersecurity Initiatives at NTIA
The presentation offers a brief overview of the concept of an SBOM, and the progress being made by an open, cross-sector, and international initiative convened by NTIA in the US Department of Commerce. The presentation reviews lessons learned, remaining challenges, and expected progress. It also touches on the path to adoption, including market forces and the ongoing role of regulators.
April 2020 Community Call
April 4th, 2020 11:00am
Jason Conley, Executive Director OmniAir Consortium
OmniAir Consortium is the leading industry association promoting interoperability and certification for ITS, tolling, and Connected Vehicles.