Automotive Cybersecurity Training (ACT)
Cybersecurity is an essential component of automotive safety due to increased connectivity of automobiles. The automotive industry faces growing challenges in managing cybersecurity threats and enhancing cybersecurity resiliency to ensure automotive safety. Addressing these challenges requires specialized skills and training that are different from traditional educational programs.
The Auto-ISAC recognized the need for a common automotive cybersecurity educational program. The Automotive Cybersecurity Training (ACT) Program was established because there was no comprehensive curriculum addressing cybersecurity in the automotive segment.

The Goal of the ACT Program:
The ACT Program centers on a well-defined and commonly accepted set of practices to conceptualize, design, implement, and sustain practical automotive cybersecurity solutions. The Auto-ISAC and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) have supported the development of that content. In addition, the ACT Program education satisfies the UNECE R155 requirement for formal cybersecurity training, which allows automotive organizations to comply with ISO 21434, Clause Five stipulations.
The ACT Program closes the Educational gap by:
Defining a comprehensive training program for vehicle cybersecurity to improve safety & security,
Bridging the skill gap between cybersecurity enterprise and vehicle embedded systems training, and
Providing guidance to academia to align with government/industry priorities in automotive cybersecurity.

Additional ACT Information
Email us at ACT@automotiveisac.com with questions, comments, or concerns.