August 2020 Community Call
August 5th, 2020 11:00am
Gary Berman, Creator of "The CyberHero Adventures"
"Humanizing Cybercrime: From Victim to Advocate"
Gary Berman will share his incredible story about how a small group of trusted insiders essentially “cloned” his company right under his nose for an extended period. A total of 19 attack vectors including spoofed website, re-directed telephone calls, sim-swapping, social engineering by pretending to be “whistle blowers” and falsely telling his major clients that he was under investigation by the FBI for fraud and even having 36 people connected to his On-Star account. His story get incredibly uplifting as he shares his “Forrest Gump” journey into the cyber security Community. You will be riveted by a sampling of the evidence, filled with laughter and ultimately, PUMPED up about YOUR mission!