Contact Auto-ISAC
Our Auto-ISAC is built on sharing, so please share concerns or incidents here.
Report an Incident
Although Auto-ISAC is not a coordinated disclosure or bounty-based organization, anyone can submit information to Auto-ISAC. Automotive cybersecurity researchers, academia and enthusiasts welcome. Tell us a little about yourself and submission topic, and your discovery could end up as part of an Auto-ISAC Intelligence Report.
General Questions
Sign up for Community Calls & DRIVEN
The Auto-ISAC holds monthly virtual community meetings for members and connected vehicle ecosystem stakeholders to stay informed of Auto-ISAC activities and share information on key vehicle cybersecurity topics. The community calls are held on the first Wednesday of each month from 11am EST.
The DRIVEN (Daily Research, Incident, Vulnerability & Executive News) provides open-source news to support automotive product, information technology (IT), and operational technology (OT) cybersecurity.