May 2023: Cybersecurity Challenges in the Electric Vehicle Market

May 3rd, 2023 11:00 AM EST

Nalindrani Malimage, Cybersecurity Consultant at Burns and McDonnell

"Cybersecurity Challenges in the Electric Vehicle Market”

Electric vehicle market is a small market in the larger automotive industry. The electric vehicles is growing than ever before. This is also owing to factors such as, political factors, growing demand, the need for environmentally friendly solutions and increased focus on sustainability. The question arises if the electric vehicle market is addressing the emerging cyber threats in the industry at the same time and how prepared the industry is. The key areas to look into with regard to this would be, OEM security, network security, cloud security, IOT and charging methods. It’s important to look at a few past security incidents in this phase and discuss challenges to predict what the future holds for the EV (electric vehicle) market. The topic is focused on mainly understanding the cybersecurity challenges in the EV market.


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